Friday, July 25, 2008

Allergic but Yearning for Scent - Your Solution Awaits

Sad, so sad. When they tell me: “I love it, but I just can’t wear perfume.” I introduced a woman to a scent that captured the best of everything, smells she loved and none that would arouse an allergic response, or so we had hoped.

“Let’s do it!” She was optimistic. “Sure wish I knew more about what might set off a reaction,” I cautioned. ”Do you really want this on your skin?” She insisted and I watched as tiny red bumps emerged on her arm. Thus ended her perfume explorations for the evening.

What is an allergy-prone fragrance lover to do? Aromatic jewelry has a long and sweet-smelling history, documented in a truly gorgeous book by Annette Green and Linda Dyett called Secrets of Aromatic Jewelry. I gasped with delight while gorging on the photos of exotic wearable art.

Last week, Don't Retire, Rewire author Jeri Sedlar, who encourages career-changers pursuing a passion, introduced me to Cathy Gins, founder and designer of Aromawear. Aromawear is a scent locket offered as a necklace pendant, bracelet or key chain to hold the fine fragrance or essential oils of your choice. Some disperse scent continuously, while others shut tight, only to release the fragrance on command when opened. I get particularly bored by frilly, delicate jewelry and appreciate the clean lines, strong and yet sensual design of Aromawear. Beautiful, even if it didn’t offer olfactory thrills, it comes in gold or silver, up to you.

Of course the severity of headaches and allergies varies greatly by individual, but I believe that aromatic jewelry is a great solution for many. It is also a nice option for folks who want to change their fragrance during the day or want the option to switch it on and off.

Friday, July 11, 2008

Get Your Free Fragrance Profile

To obtain a free and personalized fragrance profile e-mail me a list of your favorite fragrances with manufacturer's name, if you know it. Of course, I'd love comments on what you'd like to read about in this blog!